Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hi everyone!!!

I decided to attempt to keep a blog of my trip to Russia for anyone that is interested! I have to be honest with you though, I'm terrible at this stuff and might only make it one or two posts in before I give up. I'm hoping not to do that but I am a pro at starting things and never finishing them... So here goes nothing!

**Note!** I've taken so many pictures, I can't post them all here and I doubt anyone will want to look at them all anyway! =) (I'm such a mediocre photographer. haha) So I'm going to post my favorite ones or important ones, and I hope to make a scrapbook with the billions of other pictures later (online of course). I'll try to post that up here too when I finish it, but that will probably be awhile [if you are interested]!

Thanks for reading

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