Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chicago O'hare!

On the Road to Russia!

Chicago U.S.A - Munich Germany - Tbilisi Georgia - Kiev Ukraine - Moscow Russia

Downtown Chicago from the highway!

My family in O'hare. I wanted to show off how much luggage we all had! I was pretty sure we were moving! [p.s. I have a weird brother]

Our trip really started in Chicago when we got to the O'hare Airport. [That's in the U.S. so I won't talk much about it =) go there if you want to experience it!] Our flight departed at 8:50 (Central Time) And we flew Lufthansa to Munich Germany [about a total of 9 hours in the air!!]

Lufthansa Airbus A340-600

The seats went 2 - 4 - 2! We had the middle 4 and one edge isle

Everyone had their own screens. It was sweet!

A close up of the screen. Half German, half English! It was a touch screen that was like a tablet, because each person could do their own thing on it!
My sister Brooklyn!
Short Advantage # 47
Your head be able to fit under the built in chair pillow on airplanes that push your head forward
My time on the flight consisted of...

  • Watching How I Met Your Mother "Jenkins" on our individual screens!
  • Re-reading Eragon (So I can finally read the 4th book)
  • In flight dinner!
  • Watching Hunger Games on our individual screens!
  • Sleeping for about an hour and a half
  • In flight breakfast

In flight food! Chicago to Munich


  • Vegetarian Pasta (the sauce was strange but sort of like Alfredo with tomato sauce added)
  • Salad with Balsamic vinaigrette
  • Baguette with butter
  • Monterey Jack Cheese
  • Some weird puffy pudding thing! I'm not sure what it actually was, or what flavor it was. All I know is that I really didn't like it!. Let me know if you know!


I guess I forgot to take a picture of this one! >.<
  • Blueberry Muffin
  • Mixed Fruit
  • Shortbread cookies

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