Friday, August 24, 2012

Tbilisi International Airport

On the Road to Russia!

Chicago U.S.A - Munich Germany - Tbilisi Georgia - Kiev Ukraine - Moscow Russia

4 hour and 20 minute Layover in Tbilisi!

We landed in Tbilisi Georgia around 3:30 a.m. their time. This time we had to go through baggage checks and we all wanted to find a place to freshen up a bit. I have to be honest with you, I've never before wanted a private bathroom any more than during my layover in Tbilisi! By the time we settled down in some random chairs, we only had about 3 hours before our next flight departure. 

Weird thing was, Natia, my exchange student we are going to visit after Alena in Russia, was at the airport at the same time as us going to the same country (on a different flight though..) so we got to see her! It was so awesome! I got to see my long lost sister again ^-^ She was leaving for training for one of her 2 full time jobs.

Random Fact: Natia will be working 2 full time jobs this year, and making a total of about $500 a month from both jobs. I can't even imagine that, but everything in Georgia is much cheaper.

Tbilisi Airport. It gets packed around 3 to 4 a.m. as that is when ALL of the flights get in.  Since they are such a small country, the big airplanes will only fly in at night when there is less demand to get to the bigger countries.
In short: Small countries = Red eye flights

I didn't take many pictures or do much else for the rest of the layover as I was catching up with Natia! Too soon it came time for us to check back in again...

Which turned out to be interesting!

while we were in line, we started wondering why certain people were wrapping their bags in duck or packaging tape...

Then we noticed everyone was doing that! There was even an area you could go to  completely plastic wrap your luggage!

Luggage completely wrapped in plastic and tape.
Conclusion: Tbilisi = super theft problems! People would just sit and stare at our luggage while we were there.

Luckily, we had our bags locked with TSA approved locks, and we got everything back in the end (That I know of!)

Transportation to the Airplane

I think this is the first time I've ridden a bus to an airplane as opposed to walking or using the  jetway. It almost got as full as the Bursley-Baits bus does at the University of Michigan

Tbilisi in the distance from the tarmac while boarding the airplane
Our airplane departed around 7:50 a.m. their time!

Aerosvit Airlines Boeing 737

The smallest airplane we took the entire trip. 2-2 seating. Boeing is fantastic though!

Tbilisi from the Sky

I'm excited to visit Tbilisi for real and get pictures. It looks gorgeous from far away!

My time on the flight consisted of...

  • Pictures of Tbilisi
  • Watching the first half of We Bought a Zoo on my iPod 
  • Taking care of Brooklyn as I sat next to her!

Brook fell asleep on my shoulder. What a cutie

In flight food! Tbilisi to Kiev


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