Thursday, August 23, 2012

Munich Airport

On the Road to Russia!

Chicago U.S.A - Munich Germany - Tbilisi Georgia - Kiev Ukraine - Moscow Russia

8 hour and 45 minute Layover in Munich!

We landed in Munich at 12:30 p.m. August 20th. If you know my family at all, you can probably guess that we spent the first hour debating what we were going to do during the layover. =) yep. It was good though because we got to see some cool stuff wandering around the airport in the beginning!

Germans and their beer! Haha, This store in the airport was filled to the brink in alcohol related things =)

I want one!

WTF even are these!? I decided they are choker watches. Hahaha. Fashionable, but not practical!
Difference between the U.S. and other countries, smoking is everywhere. These "smoking lounges" were everywhere. Some of them were just random glass boxes people hung out it. So weird and it still smelled awful by them! >.<

After we wondered around, we all ended up passing out on some random chairs in the airport for about 20 or 30 minutes (Like homeless bums). Yep, we are cool! Finally, we woke up and decided what we were going to do...

Food and then see the cool stuff outside!


German sports bar. Can't turn that one up!

This is meatloaf?! My mom and Rob got this. The yellow stuff was potato salad, which I thought was actually super good!

I got this and potato salad. Can't live without my ham sandwiches =)

Just outside the Airport

The outside area was domed in by glass! On orange sign was... (see next picture)

SURFING! omgoodness. 

What an awesome pool. I want one in my future house (If I don't live somewhere I can easily surf!! ^-^)

Transforming Screen! (robots multiple screens in disguise)

Normal screen..

BAM! It turned into a 3 sided screen!!

And it's spinning!

Totally different screen!
Hahaha. Sorry, sometimes I'm amused by simple things. I stood in front of this screen for about 40 minutes trying to get video of it. [p.s. don't worry, I finally got it!]

German Restaurants - under the glass dome

The silver sign with the blue M on it says "Munich Airport" (At lease that's what I was told!)

Brilliant. We need these
This McD's was like a nice restaurant! Why aren't ours like this!?

A neat airplane restaurant under the dome

 Back in the Airport

makeshift seating while we are figuring out where to go.

John wants the camera

BMW concept car on a poster in the airport. Yes please!

I love the moving sidewalks. This weirdo kept getting into my pictures =)

Lufthansa Airbus A320-200 (I think!)

Nothing really special.. 3-3 seating

My time on the flight consisted of...

  • Attempting to take pictures of a lit up Munich. I failed! (I mean, Nailed it!)
  • The Princess Bride on my iPod!

  • In flight dinner! (wasn't expecting that!)
Brooklyn sleeping on the airplane. She was so out, she didn't even wake up for the dinner!

In flight food! Munich to Tbilisi


  • Barbecue chicken, potatoes, and peppers
  • Salad (which had a ton of beets in it) and buttermilk dressing
  • Cranberry? cake... not sure on that one.
  • Dinner roll with butter
  • Super tasteless cheese (the outside was white, and the inside was yellow)

1 comment:

  1. There is so much english there! I guess all Germans are forced to learn english or they cannot read their own signs!
